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Hey friends, welcome to the second to the last episode of season four.
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I'm so glad you are here for this explosive episode.
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If you tuned in to this episode because of the title, I am sure you are listening to this with your pitchforks and torches in hand.
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But before you hunt me down, listen to the full episode.
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I am sure what I have to say will surprise you.
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If not, you can hunt me down like I'm Frankenstein's monster.
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I get it.
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Sometimes hearing someone come against something we love is hard.
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This wasn't an easy episode for me to record.
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I dreaded it because I know how beloved this show is, but sometimes we must do difficult things to help people see the truth.
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Before we start, stay tuned until the end of this episode to hear some exciting announcements about the podcast.
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Let's get to it Before the episode starts.
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Make sure you follow the show so you never miss another episode.
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As I mentioned before, I have dreaded diving into these topics I plan to discuss today, because I know they can be hot topic buttons, even more so than the yoga episode was.
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But alas, here I am kicking and screaming, ready to share my findings with you.
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So let's get started.
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If you haven't been living under a rock.
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I am sure you have heard of one or more of these Reiki Enneagram, the Shack Jesus Calling a Christian Ouija board.
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Yes, you did not hear that wrong.
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I said a Christian Ouija board and the Chosen, okay.
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Okay, I can hear you right now.
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Oh, what is wrong with her?
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Why is she bringing the chosen in with those other things?
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That may not be good?
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Or maybe you just see all those things and you have no idea what is wrong with them, aside from the Christian Ouija board.
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Are you kidding?
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That whole phrase is just wrong.
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We'll dive into that a little bit.
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It does not need a whole bunch of talking about.
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Clearly, if you know anything of what a Ouija board is, putting Christian in front of it is just wrong.
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Anyways, I have done a lot of research on everything I'm going to talk about.
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All the links will be in the show notes so you can find all this information.
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Do some digging yourself and get involved in the conversation.
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If you don't agree with something that was said, there's two links in the show notes.
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Leave me a message or leave me a voicemail.
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You can send me something and tell me what you think.
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Please do it in a nice, godly way, because, again, I did not really want to do this episode, but I feel I would be remiss if I did not take the time to talk about these things in a season where we're talking about issues within the Christian faith that are culturally and spiritually wrong, within the Christian faith that are culturally and spiritually wrong, so it would not have been wise of me to let this go unnoticed.
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We're going to start with the easy one, which, as I said, is the Christian Ouija board.
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Christian Ouija board yes, this is a thing I have placed the link to where you can find it on Amazon.
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Please do not buy it for any reason.
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I am not endorsing you to buy it.
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I just want you to see that this is an actual thing.
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I am not entirely sure if it is a troll, but it is a thing you can buy, and I really didn't dive deep enough to see if the person who made this is trolling Christians or people in general, mocking or whatever.
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I really have no clue other than the fact that this is called a Christian Ouija board.
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Here's what it says as the product description, and it says the Holy Spirit board can answer all of life's most important questions straight from the man himself.
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It's a huge 12 by 18 game board with beautiful artwork featuring the crucifixion and the angels of heaven.
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It's beautiful gold magic cross planchette with metallic neared finish.
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It's perfect for churches, prayer groups or just getting together with friends.
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Unlike other spirit boards, this one will never contact evil ghosts or demons, so you can ask your questions with an assured sense of safety.
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Does that not sound like a troll?
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But this is something you can buy on Amazon and even if it was a troll, it's still a Ouija board.
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I have heard some horror stories of what has happened when people use those.
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It is a demonic tool, so would you really want to buy it and find out if it was a troll or not?
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Hopefully the answer to that is no, all right.
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So that's enough of that weirdness.
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We're going to move on to Jesus Calling and the Shack.
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These are books.
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The Shack is actually a movie as well, but they're both books.
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I have read a little bit of Jesus Calling, but it's been a long time.
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I never read the Shack, never watched the Shack.
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It just didn't seem interesting to me.
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I've been listening to Doreen Virtue and for those who have listened to some of my past episodes, you've probably heard me mention her and what she does.
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She used to be a new ager.
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She used to be into psychic things, witchcraft, all the things.
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So she knows a little something, something about what you should and shouldn't do in regards to the spiritual world and realm.
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So you should follow her channel on YouTube if this is something that interests you a lot.
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She's very knowledgeable in all this.
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So she starts an opening statement for one of her videos that I listened to about Jesus Calling in the shack, and the video is called Proof that Jesus Calling is New Age.
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She says the Jesus Calling books is a Trojan horse that the devil uses to deceive professing Christians.
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These books make you feel warm and fuzzy, but they are not from Jesus and they are not biblical devotionals end quote.
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She goes on to mention how the author, the late Sarah Young, had sincerely believed that she was channeling Jesus.
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But, as Doreen Virtue points out many times in a lot of her videos, channeling is a very New Age sort of thing.
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It's a witchcraft form, it's something that psychics do, and she also points out in this video how these books have dark and demonic New Age beliefs and are similar to some New Age books she used to channel when she was in those practices.
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So again, she knows her stuff.
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She knows what she's talking about.
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She mentions so much in this video.
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The link will be in the show notes if you want to listen to what she has to say.
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She also talks in the video about how Sarah Young had Bible citations at the bottom of each page, which you'd think would be good news, but it's not, and Doreen explains, quote if you actually go to the Bible and read those verses, you see that they have little to nothing to do with that Jesus calling page and their channeled message.
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That's crazy.
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She's just throwing Bible verses out and apparently not taking the time to look at the connection between what she's saying Jesus channeled to her and what the Bible actually says.
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We can't be so blind that we don't recognize the deceptions.
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We have to know what the Bible says and understand it for ourselves.
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We can't just trust that people who have Jesus on the front cover or talk a good game about God actually are telling us the truth.
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You can see deception.
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Sometimes it could be right in your face and you don't know it's deception.
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So this is really crazy, scary stuff she says.
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Quote the Jesus Calling books twist scripture and contradict what Jesus said in the gospels.
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End quote In the words of the late great crocodile hunter Steve Irwin Danger danger, danger.
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Sorry, I used to be a big Steve Irwin fan.
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Side note I was very sad and heartbroken when he died, but let's not get off track here.
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She continues, quote Shockingly, sarah Young also significantly changed what her so-called Jesus said in the original Jesus Calling book In the later book printings, following criticism about her inaccuracies.
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End quote.
00:09:20.572 --> 00:09:22.846
Isn't that a little suspicious to you?
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She changed some stuff, but I thought she was hearing a channeled message from God.
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If that's the case, you're not supposed to change it.
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I mean, go back to some of the past episodes we had the ones with Chad Wagner where he's talking about the prophets and that they had messages.
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You're not supposed to take things out of context.
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You're not supposed to add or subtract to the word of God.
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If you're claiming to be a prophet and somebody who's hearing from God, you should probably stick to what God said.
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You should not change it just because you got criticisms.
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So that is highly suspicious.
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In my book Now, doreen goes on to mention that she realizes many people, mostly women, have emotional attachments to this book.
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Why, like I said I've read it.
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It's been a while, but when I read it it felt a little too gushy mushy for me.
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Jesus is meant to be our God, not our spouse, and the way she was talking about him in the books just felt a little too mushy-gushy.
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Like some of the worship songs we sing.
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They sound a little too romantic for me to sing to my heavenly father who died on the cross for my sins.
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He's not my boyfriend, he's my God, he's my savior, he's my everything.
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I love a good rom-com, but not featuring Jesus as the main character, and I don't want to be his love interest in that sense.
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That's not how he loves us, not as a boyfriend-girlfriend situation.
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Doreen says about the emotional attachments, quote my issue is that many women are getting their theology from Jesus Calling rather than the Bible, are getting their theology from Jesus' calling rather than the Bible.
00:11:05.490 --> 00:11:10.275
Each page offers a devotional given as if it was Jesus talking, end quote.
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Nothing should ever take the place of reading the Bible.
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If you have not figured that out, that that is the topic du jour for this whole season so far, let me lay it out plain for you right now Nothing should ever take the place of reading our Bible for ourselves.
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It is the living word of God and you should treasure that above anything else that you read, period.
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Now, if you have never read Jesus Calling, don't, you don't have to.
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I'm saving you time.
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You don't have to read it If you have.
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Think about how many times the gospel is shared and when it talks about how sinful and in need of a savior you are.
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Oh wait, oh wait.
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Yeah, that's right, it doesn't do that.
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Oh, I forgot.
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I'm so sorry, guys.
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It's very annoying and very terrible that people are not sharing the gospel in their books that they claim are coming from Jesus.
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The gospel is Jesus.
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Jesus is the gospel.
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So why are they not bringing that up, that we are sinful and in need of a savior who died on the cross for our sins?
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Why does it have to be super mushy, gushy, lovey-dovey?
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You're an awesome person all the time.
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You don't need to change.
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That is wrong.
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It doesn't make sense to me, and this book is really a man-centered theology.
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It's toxic and it's a rampant thing.
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That's all over the place.
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We are led by feelings, our experiences and affirmations and we have no business saying that we are enough because we are not, and this book teaches that you are enough, that Jesus loves you, which is true.
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But if you read it, does it tell you that you need to repent for your sins first?
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Does it tell you that you have sins, that you have need for a Savior and that if you don't ask Him into your heart and don't repent, that you will go to hell?
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Does this book tell you that?
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From what I read, no, All I got was mushy, gushy, lovey feelings and made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
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And that's not what the gospel does.
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The Bible cuts through sword and spirit, bone and marrow.
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It's a gnarly concept of graphic violence.
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It's not a pillow fight with a fluffy pillow and you're sitting there giggling and laughing.
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That's not what it is.
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That's not how the Bible is supposed to hit.
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That's not how the gospel is supposed to hit.
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It's supposed to hit us in a way where we realize our need for a savior.
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All right, moving on to the shack, in this part I'm going to be referencing the video that Doreen Virtue did with Pastor Chris Quintana on YouTube.
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It was called False Christ of the Chosen, jesus Calling and the Shack, and I know they just lumped the chosen in with Jesus Calling and the Shack.
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But stay tuned Again.
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I'm not discussing the chosen quite yet, we're just sticking with the shack for right now.
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She starts her discussion about the shack by summing it up, quote it makes a mess of the whole Trinity, end quote.
00:14:23.912 --> 00:14:28.399
Why would you want to read something that's going to do that?
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Why would you want to watch a movie that's going to confuse the truth?
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Pastor Quintana says, quote the same thing we see with the chosen happens with the whole Trinity in the shack.
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It took a step further and played games with gender, making them so unbelievably folksy.
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It robbed them of who and what they were.
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It should have been the ringing bell that people looked at and said something was wrong, but people just let their guard down end quote.
00:15:01.070 --> 00:15:06.135
Okay, like I said, I never watched the Shack.
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I never read the Shack, so I'm going off of what they said.
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As people who have read it and probably watched it.
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All I'm going to say is read your Bible, know what the scripture says and exercise discernment about the books you read and the movies you watch.
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If it does not paint the correct picture of who the Trinity is, why would you care about it?
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I know I'm kind of just giving a little rundown of all these different things.
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Again, all the links to everything that I am referring to is in the show notes.
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They go super in-depth on each of these topics but I don't have that kind of time with this episode.
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I'm just giving you a little bit of the meats and potatoes of it.
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So if you want the full enchilada meal deal, you're going to have to do some digging on your own in whichever subject you choose to deal with.
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Now we're going to go on to Reiki, and again I reference a lot of Doreen Virtue for this and also some of Melissa Doherty, who was involved in New Thought and thought for a long time that she was involved in New Age until she realized it was New Thought.
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If you don't know what New Thought is, that is a whole different pony.
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I'm not going to ride that one today, but you can always go to Melissa Doherty's channel, find one of her videos and she'll talk about it.
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She just wrote a book about it as well.
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So Doreen and Melissa have a video they did together several years ago.
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It was called quote why Christians Should Avoid Reiki and Energy Healing.
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End quote.
00:16:43.779 --> 00:16:49.393
Doreen Virtue was a Reiki master who taught courses in Ireland and California.
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Reiki courses involve being shown quote unquote secret wisdom.
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Doreen says it appeals to the sinful nature of humanity.
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This desire to know something special that you think is hidden wisdom is not available to everyone Now.
00:17:08.563 --> 00:17:13.332
Reiki uses energy to heal people, but what source do they draw it from?
00:17:13.332 --> 00:17:16.124
They have abstract symbols.
00:17:16.124 --> 00:17:20.696
Doreen reminds us that Jesus never used symbols to heal.
00:17:20.696 --> 00:17:24.406
Reiki energy sessions are repetitive.
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Doreen reminds us that Jesus didn't model that for us.
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He healed people and that would be it.
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Look at all the different healings that Jesus did.
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He said it, it happened.
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End of discussion.
00:17:37.846 --> 00:17:52.542
They didn't have to come back and get another healing Now, in this video, melissa Doherty asks what are the symbols for and what do they represent, and Doreen says they are gateways and door openings for different levels of Reiki energy.
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Doreen mentions how she felt pulsating energy while she was practicing this and she follows up with quote where is the source?
00:18:01.528 --> 00:18:09.005
If it's not from God, then it's from what is not God, which is the devil, and I wouldn't trust it or recommend it.
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End quote.
00:18:09.888 --> 00:18:15.512
Chronic healing and chakra clearing are two examples of different modes of energy healing.
00:18:16.300 --> 00:18:47.103
When you do Reiki, you try to visualize your healing, which is manifesting, and word of faith movement which, as you already know if you listen to the episodes with Chad Wagner and my good friend, desiree Taylor, these things are not good to be practicing and this makes you trust in yourself and your body, which is a form of idolatry and worship which, if you've read the Bible, read the Ten Commandments, these things are no-nos, big no-nos.
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So, yeah, the Bible does not ask us to heal ourselves.
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We are told to ask Jesus for healing.
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He is our healer, he is our savior, he is our everything.
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Apart from him, we can do nothing that includes healing ourselves.
00:19:03.829 --> 00:19:06.762
All right, let's move on to the Enneagram.
00:19:06.923 --> 00:19:11.476
If you have done this before, I'm not judging you for that.
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I am simply sharing information that I just recently learned.
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These are things that I have just started scratching the surface of, or just learned or understood, within 2024 to now 2025.
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Okay, so this is not like I've known this all along and I'm judging people who have done this.
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A lot of the stuff that we talked about throughout this whole season so far, I have done, I have been involved in for many years and I'm just coming out of it, okay.
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So do not think I'm on some high pedestal here, judging you for anything, because I am not at all.
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This is not what this is.
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This is meant to help you.
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These are things that I wish I had known ages ago so I could have been out of a lot of this stuff before and not been in legalistic bondage to them or any sort of bondage to them.
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I want to be free in Christ.
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That is what I want for you too.
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So that is why I am doing this.
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No judgment if you have done this, if you don't agree and you keep doing what you do, you've got the knowledge.
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Do with it what you plan to, but that will be between you and God.
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I am not here to judge you if you have done any of these things.
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So I mean, ages ago, when I was pregnant with one of my children, someone came in.
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This was way before I even knew what Reiki was.
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But they came in and said, do you want to have Reiki while you're in labor?
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And I was like, okay, whatever, maybe it'll help.
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I had no idea what it was, didn't feel anything.
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I was still in a lot of pain, so, but that was ages ago.
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That was like probably four, four children ago, three children ago, I can't remember.
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It's been a while.
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But yeah, so I am not judging anybody for any of the stuff that you have may taken a part of.
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All right, with that disclaimer out of the way, we are going to go into the Enneagram.
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Doreen Virtue has a nine-minute video on YouTube called, quote, why the Myers-Briggs is just as bad as the Enneagram.
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End quote.
00:21:17.994 --> 00:21:24.570
She discusses her reasons for making this claim and explains why she doesn't like the Enneagram test too.
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So if that is something you are interested in, again, the link for it will be in the show notes.
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You can listen to the whole thing, but here's a little snippet of some of what she says about the Myers-Briggs test.
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That's what we're talking about first, and then we'll go into the Enneagram itself.
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Doreen Virtue says, quote self-glorification turns the spotlight on ourselves and not on Jesus and the gospel.
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It also came out of an automatic writing and the occult by a man who boasted that he got the message from channeling spirits.
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He didn't even care.
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He was contacting demons and spirits.
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He was open about it, end quote.
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That's your Myers-Briggs test folks.
00:22:08.742 --> 00:22:12.631
The guy clearly states that he was channeling demonic spirits.
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For that information, and for those who don't know what automatic writing is, I don't know enough about it.