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Oct. 23, 2024

Transforming Rock Bottom into Faith-Fueled Success

Transforming Rock Bottom into Faith-Fueled Success

Have you ever wondered how hitting rock bottom can lead to transformative success? Join me as I sit down with Alex Sanfilippo, the mastermind behind Podmatch, to explore his journey of faith and entrepreneurship. From growing up in a Christian home to facing the challenges of establishing his relationship with Jesus, Alex shares how his lowest moments became a pivotal turning point.

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00:00 - Podmatch and Faith

10:32 - Awakening to Faith and Service

23:22 - Balancing Work and Faith


00:00:00.100 --> 00:00:09.848
Alex Sanfilippo is a remarkable man, full of humility, unapologetic love for Jesus and a passion for serving podcasters and small businesses.

00:00:09.848 --> 00:00:27.047
With his Podmatch services, alex embodies the definition of the phrase walk the walk and talk the talk, and I left this interview having even more respect than I already did for Alex and his wife Alicia for everything that they have done for indie podcasters like myself.

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You will be blessed and stretched by this episode and, just a little surprise, at the end, my youngest son makes a little debut.

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Be sure to share this episode with family and friends so they too can be blessed by the contents of this episode.

00:00:49.014 --> 00:00:52.348
Hey, alex, thank you so much for coming on the podcast today.

00:00:52.348 --> 00:01:06.129
I'm not going to lie, I'm geeking out a little bit having you on because you're kind of in my eyes You're a famous podcaster because I listen to your podcasting made simple podcast and, yeah, you're like a mini celebrity to me.

00:01:06.129 --> 00:01:08.584
So this is kind of like a moment.

00:01:08.664 --> 00:01:10.388
It's so funny, ana.

00:01:10.388 --> 00:01:14.463
I'm super thankful and humbled to be here today and it's been great getting to know you.

00:01:14.463 --> 00:01:19.444
You've done such a good job in podcasting, so really, again, truly an honor and excited to add value with you today.

00:01:19.444 --> 00:01:20.027
So thank you.

00:01:20.849 --> 00:01:26.311
Why don't you go ahead and share with us a little bit about your testimony, how you came to faith in Jesus?

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Yeah, I kind of have like two phases of this which I think is probably pretty common on, and you could probably tell me if it's not.

00:01:32.364 --> 00:01:34.450
But, like, I grew up in a Christian home.

00:01:34.450 --> 00:01:39.322
Therefore, if you would have asked childhood Alex if he was a Christian, I would have said absolutely Right.

00:01:39.963 --> 00:01:41.045
Yeah, in the same way.

00:01:41.665 --> 00:01:43.906
Right, and so that's like the first phase of it.

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And the reality is I was really riding on my parents' relationship with God, which I'm super thankful for.

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It did give me a very solid foundation.

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But as soon as I moved out of their home, out of their covering, if you will, I kind of slipped away.

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I stopped going to church.

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There was just, my lifestyle wasn't aligning with what the word of God says and even at that point I probably would have said, yeah, I'm a Christian.

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But I definitely hit a point where I I'll just say I hit rock bottom and it was because I was really living for Alex instead of living for God.

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So I was living for myself instead of for who God called me to be.

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And that's kind of the moment that I really realized it like, okay, this is real and I need God and I can acknowledge that now.

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And at that point I believe I was 20.

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Sometimes the numbers get fuzzy, but I believe I was 20 years old when I really dedicated my life to Christ, and it wasn't in some big church meeting or anything like that.

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It was really just me alone, knowing, going back to my childhood and thinking about the person I was, compared to the person I had become and knowing that, hey, I need to get back to this foundation.

00:02:45.187 --> 00:02:54.123
And at that point, man, I was in a season where I just needed God, and I think that those are sometimes the best seasons to find him, not when we feel like everything's perfect.

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We always need God, but we feel like we don't.

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But I was in that season where I really needed him.

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Because of that, I really dove all in and that's really what led me to God is just realizing that like, wait a minute, this is real and I need to really dive all in on this.

00:03:16.247 --> 00:03:16.608
That's awesome.

00:03:16.608 --> 00:03:33.846
I feel like maybe growing up Christian as good as it is for having the values and the foundation, like you said, I think it also I don't want to say it harms, because I don't feel like that's the right word, but I think it gives kids growing up in that a false sense of security, if that makes any sense, because, like you said, you would call yourself a Christian and that's what I did.

00:03:33.846 --> 00:03:35.572
I grew up in the church too.

00:03:35.572 --> 00:03:38.441
As a baby I was going to church.

00:03:38.441 --> 00:03:39.763
I knew all the things.

00:03:39.763 --> 00:03:42.707
I asked Jesus into my heart when I was 12.

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I did all the good things that you were supposed to do.

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I didn't do the bad.

00:03:47.740 --> 00:03:55.194
I think that's a problem for not realizing that you need to have Jesus.

00:03:55.194 --> 00:04:05.070
You know we were riding on our parents' faith, but at some point you have to realize it's your faith and if you go to heaven you have to account for what you've done.

00:04:05.070 --> 00:04:09.431
Your parents aren't going to be held responsible for what they did for you.

00:04:09.431 --> 00:04:31.113
So it was good that you were able to find that moment where you realized you needed Jesus, not that you needed your parents' Jesus, you needed Jesus, your way to him and found a way to just move forward and find a healthy life, which I think you found because you're doing so well now.

00:04:31.113 --> 00:04:32.720
What led you to start Podmatch?

00:04:33.040 --> 00:04:38.884
Yeah, so Podmatch being the business I run full-time now, and for any of the listeners who are like, what is this Podmatch thing?

00:04:38.884 --> 00:04:41.521
And I've heard you reference it before, ana, so thank you.

00:04:41.521 --> 00:04:42.704
It's simply put.

00:04:42.704 --> 00:04:46.209
It's a service that automatically connects podcast guests and podcast hosts for interviews.

00:04:46.209 --> 00:04:53.783
Actually, ana, you and I connected through Podmatch, which is really cool, so it's basically for lack of a better term it works like a dating app, but it doesn't connect you for dates.

00:04:53.783 --> 00:04:59.625
It connects you for podcast interviews instead, so the guest and the host putting them together so they can record something really great for people that are listening.

00:04:59.625 --> 00:05:02.110
I launched that exact service, podmatch.

00:05:02.110 --> 00:05:04.233
We launched it on June 15th 2020.

00:05:04.233 --> 00:05:06.543
First and foremost, I knew it was a need for me.

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My podcasting journey goes back to 2015.

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Again, the years get a little fuzzy sometimes.

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I think 2015 was when I began and I always struggled finding the right guest.

00:05:16.959 --> 00:05:30.682
I could find people who wanted to be a guest, and I think that's still most of us, but finding the right person is a little bit more difficult, and I just kind of confirmed that when I was speaking at a podcasting conference actually the beginning of 2020, pre-covid, just like a week before the world shut down.

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There was about 2000 of us at a podcasting conference and when I got off stage, I just asked anyone who would talk to me, because people are always like, hey, great job, right, maybe just being nice.

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But people are always going to be nice, which I'm thankful for, but they all.

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I just asked every single one of them that would talk to me hey, what is it that you're struggling with?

00:05:46.293 --> 00:05:55.519
The most common thing I heard was the same problem I had simplifying the connection between guest and host, finding those right people, finding people that are actually interested, getting the information that I need from them.

00:05:55.519 --> 00:06:02.829
And the whole idea is just for the we've decided to do is, since that day when we launched, it's just been can we find a way to simplify this process?

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And so the software gets better and better.

00:06:04.851 --> 00:06:07.074
And that's really like where the whole thing came from.

00:06:07.074 --> 00:06:09.040
Was just really me deciding to do that.

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I will say this on a.

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I didn't like everyone was telling me that and I knew I wanted that as well, but for some reason I couldn't connect the dots and, for lack of better term, it was truly an encounter with God that made me finally finally realize like, what I just explained to you sounds like common sense, but to me it just wasn't.

00:06:25.029 --> 00:06:37.913
I couldn't seem to put it together, and hindsight I guess Right, but I just really felt like one day I came home from that conference I had all this stuff drawn out and I still was like I don't know what to do with this.

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And I'll never forget I was actually working on outside, working out from home, because at that point the whole world had shut down and so I was.

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I was at home and I was like I wasn't even really thinking about it, but just like it hit me and I ran inside, probably super sweaty and disgusting from working.

00:06:54.855 --> 00:06:57.081
I live in Florida, so it was quite humid, quite hot.

00:06:57.081 --> 00:07:01.081
I ran inside and had three whiteboards at that point on my wall and they're really big whiteboards.

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I just decided to map everything out.

00:07:02.644 --> 00:07:07.398
That just hit like download into my head and it literally was what Podmatch is today.

00:07:07.398 --> 00:07:09.603
It's the software that's connecting guests and hosts for interviews.

00:07:09.603 --> 00:07:16.600
And like I just took a step back and felt like I had been writing for 10 minutes but felt like it was just a second, if that makes sense, and that's really how I know that.

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Like I just just kind of sent this to me, and that's really where the whole idea came from and from there, even finding the business partner to help on the development side was a God thing.

00:07:25.612 --> 00:07:35.435
Alicia, my wife, is one of the partners in the business and her being able to work on it was a God thing and the whole thing just came together and I'm still, to this day, in shock and beyond thankful for it.

00:07:35.660 --> 00:07:41.749
Yeah, you and your wife Alicia have such a servant heart, which I love very much.

00:07:41.749 --> 00:08:01.783
You're constantly wanting to pour everything you can into helping entrepreneurs, indie podcasters, anybody who's got a small business that isn't able to fork out thousands, millions of dollars to do a TV spot or something, and I just, I really love how servant heart you guys are.

00:08:01.783 --> 00:08:04.428
That is your number one priority.

00:08:04.428 --> 00:08:08.884
You can see it, you can hear it in your voice in your podcast.

00:08:08.884 --> 00:08:16.826
Your wife answers I don't know how many emails from me, and she always got a bubbly personality about it.

00:08:16.826 --> 00:08:21.463
She's not annoyed and they actually come from her, which I think is also amazing.

00:08:21.702 --> 00:08:28.713
You guys embody Christ, if I can say that I call it a ministry.

00:08:28.713 --> 00:08:30.843
In my opinion, it's a ministry.

00:08:30.843 --> 00:08:41.945
You minister to everybody, whether they believe in God or not, and that's one of the reasons why I like Podmatch, other than the fact that I mean it's helped me grow as a person, not just a podcaster.

00:08:41.945 --> 00:08:45.052
But I think that's because it's God-ordained.

00:08:45.052 --> 00:08:48.985
It's something that you and your wife have poured everything into.

00:08:48.985 --> 00:09:01.643
You lay your heart out and you allow God to do what he's going to do, and when we do that with our craft, god gets the glory and we get to stand by and be in awe about it.

00:09:01.643 --> 00:09:08.803
And, yeah, I thank you and your wife for your dedication to the podcasting world.

00:09:08.803 --> 00:09:18.168
I mean, who knows what it would be like if you did not say yes to what God wanted you to do and when you hit rock bottom.

00:09:18.168 --> 00:09:21.714
If you want to elaborate, how did you hit rock bottom?

00:09:21.714 --> 00:09:27.724
Were you always a podcaster or did you do something else before you moved into that realm?

00:09:27.903 --> 00:09:33.908
Yeah, it's a good question here that I like to cover this and I'll cover it in as much detail as I can here Again.

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Growing up in a Christian home, when I kind of got out of that was my late teen years, into even 20 years old, and between that time I had really gotten deep into some business stuff.

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And this is going back to 2006, 7, 8, and even a little bit before that, which is when there was a major crash in the economy and I was working on real estate stuff real estate investing, real estate technology startup.

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That was doing very well and that was kind of where I found my identity was in those things was the fact that I was doing really well, and I'll never forget it.

00:10:02.951 --> 00:10:06.143
And that was kind of where I found my identity was in those things was the fact that I was doing really well, and I'll never forget it.

00:10:06.182 --> 00:10:12.798
At one point I believe it was a dental office that I was sitting in and it's back when before, phones did everything they do now.

00:10:12.798 --> 00:10:15.548
So no one's on their phones, everyone's looking through the magazines they put out there, right?

00:10:15.548 --> 00:10:16.301
We can all remember that.

00:10:16.301 --> 00:10:24.033
So the magazine said one was I believe it was Forbes and it said something about 30 under 30, which is the most successful 30-year-olds people that are under 30.

00:10:24.033 --> 00:10:26.806
And I was like man, I'm going to be one of these.

00:10:26.806 --> 00:10:27.850
That became the thing for me.

00:10:27.850 --> 00:10:31.989
I'm going to be one of these and it's going to happen through real estate, and that was my sole purpose.

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My identity was wrapped up in how successful I was from a monetary perspective.

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I've always had really good work ethic, maybe even out of balance work ethic, and so I just put everything into it.

00:10:42.263 --> 00:10:57.472
And when the economy crashed, I realized that the relationship I was in, the friends I had around me, the identity that I had formed around myself were all very shallow things and everything just disappeared around me because they were only here for a specific reason and it was just.

00:10:57.472 --> 00:10:58.192
It was a mess.

00:10:58.192 --> 00:11:06.916
It was like it really was like my worst nightmare.

00:11:06.916 --> 00:11:15.585
I'm like man I'm never going to be 30 under 30, because I'm going to be spending the rest, the next 10 years of my life getting myself out of this bad investment that I've made in multiple avenues.

00:11:15.585 --> 00:11:25.110
And I kind of sat in anxiety, stress, overwhelm, just sadness, if I can call that.

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It's just a feeling that I had, but I'll never forget it.

00:11:28.206 --> 00:11:30.374
One day I went to my mailbox.

00:11:30.374 --> 00:11:36.851
I moved into one of my investment properties as a young guy because it was the only option left with it, and so I moved into it.

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And I went to my mailbox expecting to have more bills.

00:11:38.884 --> 00:11:40.730
And sure I bet there were some in there.

00:11:40.730 --> 00:11:47.707
But there was a flyer for a young adult church ministry and I just looked at it for a second and just the address was pretty big on it.

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I was like, oh, that address has to be walking distance from me.

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It must be right around the corner somewhere, and typically I just throw that type of thing away.

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But I felt something inside that was telling me to not throw it away.

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And so I'm like a really organized person.

00:12:00.866 --> 00:12:03.652
I don't have like papers anywhere, like I'm anywhere, I like things in their place.

00:12:03.652 --> 00:12:05.875
I'm not OCD or anything like that, but I just like things in their place.

00:12:05.875 --> 00:12:11.971
But I left that sitting on my counter for three weeks and there was nothing else there before I finally got the courage to say you know what?

00:12:11.971 --> 00:12:14.269
Maybe something is telling me I should go to this.

00:12:14.511 --> 00:12:15.134
I grew up in church.

00:12:15.134 --> 00:12:24.033
I'm not going to be super weird, I'll be fine, but I remember I finally went there and as I was walking in, I was like these people are going to judge me because I've made really stupid investment choices.

00:12:24.033 --> 00:12:25.654
I've amounted to nothing.

00:12:25.654 --> 00:12:39.865
These are the thoughts that are going in my head as I'm walking through these doors and, to my shock, people were just really kind and in my head once again I was like well, as soon as they get to know me, they'll realize that I'm a total failure.

00:12:39.865 --> 00:12:48.976
Those are the things going through my head, but I can just just remember I felt like God met me where I was and loved me for who I am and didn't look at any of those things as a negative.

00:12:48.976 --> 00:12:56.629
And it was one of those things where I realized that's the moment, like I said earlier, where I just realized that's my moment with God, where I'm like I need to change.

00:12:56.629 --> 00:12:57.900
This is the life I should have.

00:12:57.900 --> 00:13:01.246
This feeling of freedom and peace that I have over me is.

00:13:01.246 --> 00:13:03.068
This is where I need to be.

00:13:03.730 --> 00:13:09.807
And at that point I'd also taken a job as a part-time receiving clerk at an aerospace company, which is a fancy way of saying.

00:13:09.807 --> 00:13:11.802
I broke down boxes and took out people's trash.

00:13:11.802 --> 00:13:13.046
It was just a part-time thing.

00:13:13.046 --> 00:13:13.628
It's all I could get.

00:13:13.628 --> 00:13:15.520
I went from being at the top to the bottom here.

00:13:15.520 --> 00:13:19.466
And then in that moment when this happened, I no longer look at that as a negative thing.

00:13:19.466 --> 00:13:20.927
That job wasn't a negative in my mind.

00:13:20.927 --> 00:13:24.432
Instead, I was saying to myself you know what I can do really well in this space.

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I can really show up to serve well if that's where God has me and I can do well.

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And it was just this full 180.

00:13:29.600 --> 00:13:32.270
And I really can only describe that as an encounter with God.

00:13:32.270 --> 00:13:38.119
And it wasn't anything like this bright light showed up or someone random came up and said something to me.

00:13:38.119 --> 00:13:38.760
It was nothing like that.

00:13:38.760 --> 00:13:45.845
I just showed up in a place and said God, here I am, and I felt like he just met me exactly right there, and that's again.

00:13:45.845 --> 00:13:47.770
That's when everything just really shifted for me.

00:13:48.120 --> 00:13:50.745
That's where the servant heart comes in.

00:13:50.745 --> 00:13:53.591
I can see it playing out as you're saying it.

00:13:53.591 --> 00:13:55.984
I can see it as like ah, there's the shift.

00:13:55.984 --> 00:14:00.251
That's amazing and that's very interesting.

00:14:00.292 --> 00:14:07.230
The way God works sometimes, the things he does that you just you can't ignore them.

00:14:07.230 --> 00:14:09.961
Like you said, you would have thrown that away.

00:14:09.961 --> 00:14:12.729
I probably would have thrown that away too.

00:14:12.729 --> 00:14:14.821
Then like, oh, junk mail, more junk mail.

00:14:14.821 --> 00:14:20.328
I'm tired of junk mail, but you're holding on to it and you're like something's not letting me get rid of this.

00:14:20.328 --> 00:14:22.532
And you kept it for three weeks.

00:14:22.532 --> 00:14:24.635
I would have tossed it too.

00:14:25.039 --> 00:14:31.302
My family likes to leave mail on the table and I'm like if this stays here any longer, I will throw it away.

00:14:31.302 --> 00:14:35.852
So for you to not do that, especially when you like to be organized.

00:14:35.852 --> 00:14:46.389
God was talking to you and you were faithful and you listened, and that's when he can use us, that's when he knows you're ready to be used.

00:14:46.389 --> 00:15:01.514
You are ready to move to the next step, and I don't know how many people have been impacted by the fact that you and your wife said yes to God, that you chose to take that step and go to the young adults group.

00:15:01.514 --> 00:15:15.245
There's so many lives that have been changed because with that one gesture of saying yes, god, I'm going to do what you want me to do, I mean your whole life, your whole perspective, your heart posture, everything has changed.

00:15:15.245 --> 00:15:21.034
So that's an incredible story, very encouraging.

00:15:28.361 --> 00:15:29.466
Who doesn't love free?

00:15:29.466 --> 00:15:30.448
I know I do.

00:15:30.448 --> 00:15:38.458
That's why I created a free seven-day devotional for those who want to go deeper with God but find themselves too busy.

00:15:38.458 --> 00:15:47.631
Being a mom of five, my free time is practically non-existent, but I still want to give God my time because I know my day will be better for it.

00:15:47.631 --> 00:15:49.748
That's where this devotional comes in.

00:15:49.748 --> 00:15:56.389
It's a short daily devotional that will help fill in the gap between being busy and spending time with God.

00:15:56.389 --> 00:16:04.208
It's full of encouragement, guidance and impactful Bible verses related to the everyday struggles of everyday people.

00:16:04.208 --> 00:16:16.611
I know you will love this devotional as much as I enjoyed writing it, and since it's a digital devotional, you can take it anywhere and do it anytime Perfect for the person always on the go.

00:16:16.611 --> 00:16:20.441
Get the free devotional when you sign up for my mailing list.

00:16:20.441 --> 00:16:22.284
The link is in the show notes.

00:16:23.508 --> 00:16:26.240
It makes me think back to a previous episode of your show, if I can, anna.

00:16:26.240 --> 00:16:38.524
There's an episode you did with Richard Walsh and it aired on 8-21-2024, and it was titled Finding Balance in Business and in your Personal Life, and something that you said in it actually really spoke to me.

00:16:38.524 --> 00:16:40.087
It was a great conversation.

00:16:40.087 --> 00:16:46.751
So if you're listening to this, go back and check that out, actually finish this and then go back and make that your next one.

00:16:46.751 --> 00:16:48.485
But something that you said really stuck with me.

00:16:48.485 --> 00:16:49.489
You said put God first.

00:16:49.489 --> 00:16:53.225
When you have this in balance, life and work get a lot better.

00:16:53.225 --> 00:17:03.850
And for me, I realized that I was good at my work and I was even good at that part-time receiving job I had, but when I really learned to put God first, it changed things.

00:17:04.079 --> 00:17:09.044
And you're talking about us running with this servant leadership mentality, which is what we like to do.

00:17:09.044 --> 00:17:12.509
We love people, we serve people before we want anything from them.

00:17:12.509 --> 00:17:15.951
This is just our way of proactively putting God first in what we do.

00:17:15.951 --> 00:17:17.144
We don't do it to get a result.

00:17:17.144 --> 00:17:50.986
No-transcript into Podmatch it's either me or it's Alicia, and we're going to do that for as long as we possibly can and if we ever bring in a third person to help, in the inbox they will be publicly announced that this is the other person, right?

00:17:50.986 --> 00:17:54.365
And they will embody the same type of thing if we ever have to get to that point.

00:17:54.365 --> 00:18:03.914
But it's just so important to us that we look at our work in our life as being for God, not, well, we do stuff for God with what we get from this, right?

00:18:03.914 --> 00:18:05.461
No, let's just make it about him.

00:18:05.461 --> 00:18:07.606
Let's put him first, as you've said, anna.

00:18:07.606 --> 00:18:09.432
So I appreciate you bringing all that to light.

00:18:09.432 --> 00:18:14.141
It's just really encouraging to hear someone else actually say it, and I hope it's super helpful for listeners as well.

00:18:14.621 --> 00:18:21.045
Yeah, well, it's like Colossians says do everything you do as if you're doing it for God, because that's who we're doing it for.

00:18:21.045 --> 00:18:27.709
That's all we're on this earth for is to please God and if he's asking, see your servant heart, like I said.

00:18:27.709 --> 00:18:53.624
But you can also see where you can apply this in your everyday personal life, because they're biblical standards, whether people want to believe that or not, because, again, this isn't a Christian platform.

00:18:53.624 --> 00:19:06.173
This is for everybody, but these are principles in life that everyone can benefit from and, like I said, it's helped me not just be a better podcaster, like I was telling you before we got on here.

00:19:06.173 --> 00:19:19.554
I was humbled by listening to my friend Johnny's podcast, refugee Stories, an episode that you were on, and God used that to change me and I just love that.

00:19:19.779 --> 00:19:22.269
That's what the PodMatch community is about.

00:19:22.269 --> 00:19:24.567
They uplift each other, they encourage each other.

00:19:24.567 --> 00:19:25.800
It's like a.

00:19:25.800 --> 00:19:31.125
I don't want to call it a Christian group, because it's not a Christian group, but that's what it feels like.

00:19:31.125 --> 00:19:31.705
It's like a.

00:19:31.705 --> 00:19:32.900
It's a community.

00:19:32.900 --> 00:19:33.601
You call it the PodMatch community.

00:19:33.601 --> 00:19:34.000
That's what it is.

00:19:34.000 --> 00:19:35.624
Call it the pod match community.

00:19:35.624 --> 00:19:36.404
That's what it is.

00:19:36.404 --> 00:19:44.655
You have created a God-centered community without it shoving the Bible or Jesus down your throat.

00:19:44.655 --> 00:19:58.148
You've just been embodying Christ and I just I love that, because that's how all believers should be and sadly that's not the way it is and I'm not always 100 on that either.

00:19:58.148 --> 00:20:15.732
You guys are very encouraging, you and your wife, and I want to take a moment and I want to highlight her and say she's a wonderful woman and one day I would love to meet her, because she just seems fun and bubbly and very loving as well.

00:20:15.732 --> 00:20:18.548
I mean, how did you two meet?

00:20:19.000 --> 00:20:19.442
Thank you for that.

00:20:19.442 --> 00:20:21.040
By the way, I'll be sure to pass that on to her.

00:20:21.040 --> 00:20:23.488
I always try to get her to do podcasting.

00:20:23.488 --> 00:20:25.500
She loves being behind the scenes, which is funny.

00:20:25.500 --> 00:20:31.046
She's like a star athlete growing up and into college even, and still play soccer at a competitive level.

00:20:31.046 --> 00:20:32.430
But I'm like, hey, you should go on a podcast.

00:20:32.430 --> 00:20:43.262
She's like, no, I'm good, I think we've done three together ever.

00:20:43.262 --> 00:20:43.825
Anyway, thank you for that.

00:20:43.825 --> 00:20:44.468
Make sure to pass that laundry.

00:20:44.488 --> 00:20:46.374
We actually it's interesting like that young adults ministry I started going to after a while.

00:20:46.374 --> 00:20:48.019
I started I just felt the draw to start serving, so and no one asked me to.

00:20:48.019 --> 00:20:55.365
I just realized that like there was always chairs that were out of order when we're leaving and a few people would stay and fix them and it was like 10 minute tasks.

00:20:55.365 --> 00:20:56.468
So I started doing stuff like that.

00:20:56.468 --> 00:21:03.205
Anyway, as I started doing that, I made friends with other people that were also just had this servant heart, right, they're there serving God.

00:21:03.205 --> 00:21:08.546
They're there like, yes, to receive from God, but ultimately just to worship through the way they served and all that.

00:21:08.546 --> 00:21:14.105
And so I started doing that and somebody at one of them was like, hey, man, this service we're doing here.

00:21:14.105 --> 00:21:16.307
There's another church that's going to start doing it.

00:21:16.307 --> 00:21:17.549
It's like a sister church.

00:21:17.549 --> 00:21:22.602
We could use some help just the first day to get it set up and I was like, oh yeah, like I'll go out there and help with that.

00:21:22.821 --> 00:21:27.403
Turns out my wife was also somebody who was doing something similar and she was asked to go help as well.

00:21:27.403 --> 00:21:30.069
She was I don't even like know where.

00:21:30.069 --> 00:21:34.284
I had never seen her before, but we actually ended up meeting as soon as I walked in the door.

00:21:34.284 --> 00:21:40.073
She was the first person there, so I had the opportunity to meet her and for me, love at first sight her took.

00:21:40.073 --> 00:21:41.714
It was love at first sight, but two years later.

00:21:41.714 --> 00:21:46.333
So we actually stayed friends for a long time, which was really cool.

00:21:46.333 --> 00:21:51.352
And but yeah, we ended up meeting at church and just very similar Like our.

00:21:51.352 --> 00:22:01.512
We had like a really solid friendship for years before we even dated or anything like that, which actually, I think, built like a really great relationship from just a friendship level which we still carry with us today.

00:22:01.512 --> 00:22:03.702
We got married in 2012.

00:22:03.702 --> 00:22:07.380
So it's been a number of years and it's been amazing having just a blast with it.

00:22:07.661 --> 00:22:09.888
Yeah, you guys are perfect together.

00:22:10.240 --> 00:22:10.662
Oh, thank you.

00:22:10.662 --> 00:22:12.268
Thank you, it means a lot.

00:22:12.839 --> 00:22:16.365
Yeah, my husband and I met at church too, but through mutual friends.

00:22:16.365 --> 00:22:21.554
He was friends with the husband, I was friends with the wife, and they just kind of were like, oh hey, you should meet and hang out.

00:22:21.554 --> 00:22:27.884
I love that that's great Church is one of the best places to meet somebody.

00:22:28.223 --> 00:22:28.785
I agree with that.

00:22:28.785 --> 00:22:32.288
I've actually had some friends that were not believers, but they're like man.

00:22:32.288 --> 00:22:33.950
The girls that go to church are just a different level.

00:22:33.950 --> 00:22:35.090
So they've gone to.

00:22:35.090 --> 00:22:40.457
Ultimately their lives have changed or something before, but they went with the intent of meeting somebody.

00:22:40.457 --> 00:22:42.923
They're like the bars and the gyms, aren't working.

00:22:42.838 --> 00:22:43.226
God can use anything.

00:22:43.226 --> 00:22:46.490
I want to know more about you and your wife.

00:22:46.490 --> 00:22:55.255
How do you guys maintain a God-centered relationship as husband and wife with the fact that you two are working?

00:22:55.255 --> 00:22:56.987
Because some couples can't work together.

00:22:56.987 --> 00:22:59.039
Some couples work together amazingly.

00:22:59.039 --> 00:23:01.505
You guys seem to work amazingly together.

00:23:01.505 --> 00:23:07.224
How do you keep a balance between work and being married?

00:23:07.224 --> 00:23:08.969
I'm sure you guys have arguments.

00:23:08.969 --> 00:23:11.520
How do you keep from carrying that on to work?

00:23:12.182 --> 00:23:16.902
Yeah, this is a super insightful question and thank you for asking, because so many people were asked about this.

00:23:16.902 --> 00:23:22.244
The reality is a lot of couples just can't or won't work together I don't know if can't is the right term, but won't work together.

00:23:22.244 --> 00:23:24.980
We have the privilege that we worked together before we were married.

00:23:24.980 --> 00:23:25.481
For a while.

00:23:25.481 --> 00:23:27.930
That aerospace company I was at she actually ended up getting a job there.

00:23:27.930 --> 00:23:32.230
We worked together for not super long, but a little bit there, so we knew that we were able to.

00:23:32.230 --> 00:23:47.269
She later started a clothing boutique that was both online and had a brick and mortar as well, so I helped a little bit with that.

00:23:47.269 --> 00:23:48.351
So we knew that we had some ability to work together.

00:23:48.371 --> 00:24:04.528
But when we decided to start this pod match, we started in 2020, which means we were at home together all the time right, there was no like cool, we're done with work, let's go somewhere else, right, and because of that, we had to really intentionally learn how to build boundaries to keep the balance, and still, to this day, we do our best to incorporate those.

00:24:04.528 --> 00:24:05.170
I say do our best.

00:24:05.170 --> 00:24:10.631
Sometimes it doesn't happen, but for the most part, we've been very vocal together about hey, this is when we talk about work.

00:24:10.631 --> 00:24:11.393
This is, when we don't.

00:24:11.393 --> 00:24:12.540
A great example of this.

00:24:12.540 --> 00:24:16.807
I'm not worried about her knocking the door down right now to ask me a work question One.

00:24:16.807 --> 00:24:20.372
She'd be able to hear that I'm doing a podcast episode with Anna, right.

00:24:20.372 --> 00:24:28.583
But also, if I'm not on this call, there's certain times of the day where we talk work even though we're both working, but there's no just like hey, I need you to do this.

00:24:28.583 --> 00:24:30.387
Or she's like hey, do this right.

00:24:30.387 --> 00:24:37.152
There are just two set times of the day where we actually intentionally will stop our work and go work together for just a little bit.

00:24:37.152 --> 00:24:49.021
It's maybe 45 minutes in total where we just kind of hash out some questions real quick and then we're back and building that balance inside of work has been extremely helpful, because it's not like, well, you leave me alone, I need to work, right.

00:24:49.021 --> 00:24:50.526
There's none of that going back and forth.

00:24:50.526 --> 00:24:54.482
Granted, sometimes I overstep when I'm like wait a minute, I need this now, right.

00:24:54.482 --> 00:24:55.986
And she's like calm down, dude, right.

00:24:55.986 --> 00:24:57.087
It's like calm down, dude, right.

00:24:57.087 --> 00:24:58.329
Uh, it's more me who will do that.

00:24:58.329 --> 00:25:01.836
She's a bit more respectful with uh, with hey, we've got set hours, right.

00:25:02.237 --> 00:25:05.182
It doesn't happen often, but then, beyond that, when we turn off work.

00:25:05.182 --> 00:25:10.241
We turn off work and we will typically like something we love doing is going for walks.

00:25:10.241 --> 00:25:18.230
We we're those weird people on it who don't mind the humidity and heat and we talked about before we even started like you're, like I would never live in florida, florida, we like it.

00:25:18.230 --> 00:25:26.646
So we will go for a walk, typically after work, and we might talk for a few minutes, just work stuff, kind of just decompressing from the day, but then we just don't bring it back up.

00:25:27.167 --> 00:25:32.288
So it's not like we're always ruminating on work, thinking about it, talking about it.

00:25:32.288 --> 00:25:33.171
We've just built a balance.

00:25:33.171 --> 00:25:46.211
So we know that like hey, for eight hours a day this is our work time and for 45 minutes of that eight hours it's our work time together, and then after that we can talk about it for a few minutes, but then the rest of it is just us as a married couple, followers of Jesus and friends.

00:25:46.211 --> 00:25:50.647
That's kind of how we're going to be able to balance those things out From day one.

00:25:50.647 --> 00:25:51.880
We've just been very intentional with that.

00:25:51.880 --> 00:26:01.115
I'm not going to say again we didn't do it, we've adjusted it, but that's how we do a really good job making sure that we maintain balance in our relationship, both from a work and personal standpoint.

00:26:01.740 --> 00:26:01.839

00:26:01.839 --> 00:26:06.384
Do you guys do any devotionals or anything together?

00:26:06.384 --> 00:26:14.112
Do you have a morning or evening routine where you guys just put your relationship with God together?

00:26:14.112 --> 00:26:23.931
It's important to do it on our own, but if we're married, it's also important to incorporate your spouse with that, because if you don't, then your marriage is going to start suffering.

00:26:23.931 --> 00:26:27.383
So how do you guys make sure that you keep your marriage firm?

00:26:27.383 --> 00:26:31.453
And I don't want to say fireproof, but I guess fireproof.

00:26:32.645 --> 00:26:33.912
We stay really intentional with this as well.

00:26:33.912 --> 00:26:37.634
We've previously done some devotional stuff together.

00:26:37.634 --> 00:26:41.653
We don't do them directly together, we're doing our own thing, but we're very involved in it.

00:26:41.653 --> 00:26:44.752
I know exactly what she's learning in the Word right now.

00:26:44.752 --> 00:26:45.695
She knows exactly what I'm learning.

00:26:45.695 --> 00:26:56.685
And again, when we're spending that time together, typically I say a walk, because I just retain way better if I'm doing something like other than just sitting down and chatting, not that we don't do that, but if we're walking and that's where we kind of bring each other up to speed.

00:26:56.705 --> 00:26:57.429
This is what God showed me.

00:26:57.429 --> 00:26:58.092
What's God showing you?

00:26:58.092 --> 00:26:58.934
How can I pray for you?

00:26:58.934 --> 00:26:59.746
How can we pray together?

00:26:59.746 --> 00:27:04.326
And then we do spend time worshiping together and stuff like that, specifically on our Sabbath.

00:27:04.326 --> 00:27:16.933
So like Saturday is laptops, phones, like nothing's getting used from a work standpoint, and we just that's when we'll kind of spend that time.

00:27:16.933 --> 00:27:18.142
So we do like our Sabbath and communion and stuff like that together.

00:27:18.075 --> 00:27:22.576
And it's just an ongoing conversation for us about what God's showing us, because right now I feel like God's teaching both of us very different lessons that we both need to learn to continue to grow.

00:27:22.576 --> 00:27:24.138
But they're not the same at all.

00:27:24.138 --> 00:27:31.539
They're very different, but it's really great having the opportunity to talk to each other, because what I'm working on right now it's never been like an issue for her.

00:27:31.539 --> 00:27:35.392
She's like, oh, I've gotten that from the first time I read it in the Bible and I'm like it's just now connecting for me.

00:27:35.392 --> 00:27:37.310
So it's like this thing where we can kind of help each other along.

00:27:37.491 --> 00:27:40.712
But I do, I agree, it's important to pray together and we do pray together every day.

00:27:40.712 --> 00:27:56.778
It's important to bring back to unify, because something I see commonly, especially with couples that are in business together, start to split and to separate, even from an emotional standpoint, because there's no real crossover other than talking about work, which I think can be very dangerous.

00:27:56.778 --> 00:27:58.859
You have to, like you said, put God first.

00:27:58.859 --> 00:28:10.519
Like I said in that last episode you did with Richard Walsh put God first, and as long as you're doing that, then it seems everything else kind of falls in alignment.

00:28:10.538 --> 00:28:12.625
So that's kind of like the way that we prioritize God together.

00:28:12.625 --> 00:28:16.506
Yeah, that's good.

00:28:16.506 --> 00:28:18.234
It's always best to keep God first, whether you truly believe in God or not.

00:28:18.234 --> 00:28:20.044
It's best, and I don't know if you can hear it, but my son managed to get into the room.

00:28:20.064 --> 00:28:20.265
I love it.

00:28:20.265 --> 00:28:23.630
You've not built that work, you've not built that boundary yet.

00:28:23.630 --> 00:28:24.673
Huh, that balance.

00:28:25.424 --> 00:28:33.376
Well, he's not even two yet, so he's like I'm just going to break the door down, which is kind of what he did.

00:28:33.376 --> 00:28:35.058
Fair enough, it's so funny.

00:28:35.058 --> 00:28:43.906
Yeah, this has been an amazing conversation.

00:28:43.906 --> 00:28:46.068
I know I could easily talk to you for a lot longer, but I will ask you one more question.

00:28:46.068 --> 00:29:09.517
If you could say something to the entrepreneur or the indie podcaster who's feeling kind of what you felt before you found God, feeling I'm a failure, I didn't make anything of myself, I'm not going to be successful before I hit 30, or just all the things that you felt before you came to Christ.

00:29:09.517 --> 00:29:11.548
What would you like to say to them?

00:29:11.548 --> 00:29:15.345
To give them encouragement, wisdom, anything?

00:29:15.525 --> 00:29:25.634
Yeah, first off, whether you're an entrepreneur, a solopreneur, want to be an entrepreneur, or an independent podcaster there's very much crossover between those things.

00:29:25.634 --> 00:29:26.726
To each of those right.

00:29:26.726 --> 00:29:37.337
And if you're in that boat, saying, okay, I'm doing something, I'm putting something in the world, I'm creating it with the intent of it serving, how do I do this without feeling like a failure?

00:29:37.337 --> 00:29:40.471
How do I do this without feeling like I'm not actually making it anywhere?

00:29:40.471 --> 00:29:46.424
And I think that most of us would voice that it feels lonely and it feels like we're not, we're just hitting our head against the wall.

00:29:46.424 --> 00:29:53.413
Sometimes is what it feels like, whether you're with God or not, sometimes that same feeling and that emotion is just what's occurring.

00:29:53.413 --> 00:29:56.557
And so the encouragement I want to give to you is twofold.

00:29:56.557 --> 00:29:58.905
First off, don't stop, please don't stop.

00:29:59.207 --> 00:30:13.836
I think that so many of us we stop three feet from gold, and that was like a saying from Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, where there was somebody during the gold rush years in California and they were digging for gold and they bought all the gear, they bought all the land and they just went after it forever, forever.

00:30:13.836 --> 00:30:17.070
It felt like right, and finally they just gave up and they sold everything for pennies on the dollar.

00:30:17.070 --> 00:30:21.127
The person who bought it all dug three feet and struck more gold than anyone ever had.

00:30:21.127 --> 00:30:26.106
And I think that for many of us, we have to consider the timing of what it takes and when people will be ready.

00:30:26.106 --> 00:30:30.932
Don't stop, keep on going and let that perseverance finish its work inside of you, right?

00:30:30.932 --> 00:30:33.256
Maybe there's some character building that needs to happen along the way.

00:30:33.256 --> 00:30:36.440
And the other thing is to stay positive.

00:30:36.440 --> 00:30:37.941
To stay positive.

00:30:38.465 --> 00:30:41.019
I find staying positive is, for me, a unique definition.

00:30:41.019 --> 00:30:50.385
Staying positive means internally staying positive, but also talking to people, because I find that when we start getting negative, we remove ourselves from others, but when we stay positive, we're very happy to talk about it.

00:30:50.385 --> 00:31:03.232
Talk to the people that you're saying this is who I'm going to serve in a manner of where you're excited, you're positive, you're optimistic about the future, and just listen to them, build empathy so you can build this connection with them, because it'll help you figure out exactly your niche and how you can help others.

00:31:03.232 --> 00:31:16.202
So again, for me, it's all about not quitting staying positive along the way and just talking to those people and finding out like, okay, I'm going to keep on going and stay positive, I'm just going to hear and listen and adjust and adapt and just trust the process along the way.

00:31:16.202 --> 00:31:20.605
To me those have been some of the biggest things that have really helped me grow in business and in my relationship with God.

00:31:20.605 --> 00:31:23.935
As I build empathy for others, I really learned to serve and love people a lot better.

00:31:24.204 --> 00:31:25.145
Empathy for others.

00:31:25.145 --> 00:31:36.109
That's something I think all people need, especially Christians, because there are people who aren't believers, and if we do believe in heaven and hell, we know what that means.

00:31:36.109 --> 00:31:47.886
I've been saying the whole time you and your wife embody Christ and empathy and serving, which is amazing, and more people need to have that kind of heart.

00:31:47.886 --> 00:31:49.813
Keep going with what you're doing.

00:31:49.813 --> 00:31:51.940
Where can people find you?

00:31:51.940 --> 00:31:55.011
How can they listen to your amazing podcast?

00:31:55.845 --> 00:31:59.269
Yeah, I want to thank you again for the platform and, first and foremost, honest Christian Conversations.

00:31:59.269 --> 00:32:00.472
If you're listening here, stay here.

00:32:00.472 --> 00:32:01.686
This is a great spot to be.

00:32:01.686 --> 00:32:13.338
If you are interested in anything else I do, if you just go to podmatchcom forward slash free, it'll kind of give you an introduction to being a podcast guest host or, if you're already experienced in those places, kind of give you some ideas on how you can continue to level up.

00:32:13.338 --> 00:32:16.647
It'll also show you everything that I do and give you ways to contact me.

00:32:16.647 --> 00:32:18.814
And that's podmatchcom forward slash free.

00:32:18.814 --> 00:32:20.306
And Ana, thank you again for the opportunity.

00:32:20.306 --> 00:32:21.549
It really means a lot to be here today.

00:32:22.151 --> 00:32:23.494
Yeah, thank you for coming on.

00:32:23.494 --> 00:32:24.998
I enjoyed our conversation.
Alex Sanfilippo Profile Photo

Alex Sanfilippo

Entrepreneur, Software Founder, Podcast Host

Alex Sanfilippo is the founder of PodMatch.com, a software that automatically matches podcast guests and hosts for interviews. Alex is also the host of the top-rated podcast, Podcasting Made Simple, and a lead educator in the podcasting industry. Alex's sole focus is to serve independent podcast guests and hosts so they can grow their influence and revenue so they can better serve their listeners!

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