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Ana Murby

Ana Murby Profile Photo

Wife. Mother of five. Podcast. Fiction Novelist

Ana Murby is a wife, Fiction novelist, stay-at-home mom of five, and a prodigal saved by God's grace. She grew up with a legalistic Christian lifestyle where she didn't feel comfortable asking questions about her faith and why she believed what she believed. Ana abandoned her faith in her early twenties, and through those years as a prodigal, she did many things she was not proud of. Thanks to God’s steadfast love and heart for Ana, she returned to Him at thirty years old after a painful second marriage divorce, and she has never looked back.
After returning to Christ and realizing God had shown her so much grace and unconditional love, Ana started asking questions and making her faith her own. In that search for absolute truth, she found inconsistencies and lies within what she was taught as a child and even as a young adult. Ana started the Honest Christian Conversations podcast to help others find absolute truth amidst the lies and deceptions of wolves in sheep's clothing.