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Hey friends, this is probably going to be the final mini-sode of season four.
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I am so honored that you tuned in to this whole season.
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It's been absolutely amazing.
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I have had so many wonderful guests, I have learned so much and I have realized I still have so much to learn about a lot of the subjects.
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Which brings me to the topic of today's mini-sode.
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I have a guest that is going to be coming on.
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His name is Beatty Carmichael.
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He's going to be my final season for guest.
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I don't even know how to explain this, other than he deals with healing, chronic healing.
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He deals with healing, chronic healing, deliverance, all the things that I am still so confused on, and he comes from it in a place of love and repentance.
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Three different ways to give healings, usually within like 90%.
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Immediate healing for things.
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It's crazy and I have told him a few times that I am still skeptical about what you do.
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And, yes, this is going to be a dynamic episode that you will not want to miss, because he is going to allow me the safe space to talk about my confusion, my disbeliefs, my frustrations, all the things, all the things.
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He is going to allow me that safe space to talk it out with him.
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It's going to be a real question-answer sort of scenario.
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If you feel the same way, if you're still confused about what deliverance ministry is, if you don't know what full repentance is, if you have a chronic issue and you want to know how to have healing from that, you're going to want to tune into this episode.
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It's going to be amazing dynamic.
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You're going to get to hear about the healing he helped me with and how I felt afterwards.
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Seriously, you do not want to miss this episode.
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It is full of so much I'm excited for it.
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And just to let you know how important I thought this was, I didn't know when to feature this episode.
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I was thinking maybe season five, but I had been thinking about it over the weekend.
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I said no, I'm going to have it on as part of season four because I'm still skeptical and due to the nature of what season four has been, which has been talking about different cultural and spiritual issues within the church and what is right and what is wrong and finding truth, I felt it was necessary that it needed to be in this season.
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So it is officially the last episode of season four.
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Don't miss it.
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It's going to be awesome and, lastly, join the community so you can be a part of something bigger than yourself and you can meet new friends who are like-minded and you can grow in your faith.
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Also, remember, subscribe to the podcast on YouTube, because it is now going to be a video podcast starting next week for season five.
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I am so excited for that and nervous but excited.
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Okay, love you all.
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Have a wonderful day today, god bless.