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Karen Dittman

Karen Dittman Profile Photo

Get Curious. Stay Connected. Live in Grace.

In her journey as a mom, Karen has supported her kids through the Five Big A’s: Adoption, Anxiety, ADHD, Autism and Addiction. More than 25 years of parenting has been bookended by infertility on one side and conceiving a surprise bio child in her mid-40’s. She has also been raising one of her grandchildren. You might say she has seen it all and not just survived to tell the stories. Karen has learned to Thrive, not just in spite of it all but because of it all.

Karen and her husband Michael have co-authored Thriving in Grace: Unleashing Wellness from a Biblical Perspective and The Fruit of Gratitude. Together they hope to live long enough to experience having an empty nest!

Karen brings hope for you to find you can thrive and be at peace in the midst of your own chaotic life.