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What are spiritual gifts and who are they for?
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Are all of them still in effect today or have some disappeared?
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All these questions will be answered today on my episode with Chad Wagner, the pastor of Excelsior Springs Church in Missouri.
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His perspective on the subject of spiritual gifts will either challenge or anger you, but it's still a position worth exploring.
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So before you send in any hate mail, hear him out and do some digging on your own, and then send your message with the link in the show notes to share your opinions.
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Let's get to it Before the episode starts.
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Make sure you follow the show so you never miss another episode.
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Hello Chad, thank you for coming on the show today.
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I'm very excited to have you on so we can talk about today.
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From Pennsylvania and then I moved to Cincinnati, ohio, in my 20s and I was a member of a church there.
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That's where I was originally baptized and then I was trained for the ministry under my pastor there.
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In 2013, I was ordained and I was sent to Minneapolis and I pastored a church up there for five years and I moved down here to Excelsior Springs, missouri, which is a suburb of Kansas City.
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I've been here for six years pastoring, so I've been pastoring for a little over 11 years now it's an independent sovereign grace Baptist church, so that's basically my religious history, anyway.
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So you are definitely going to be more educated on the subject of spiritual gifts and whether it's a thing that's still around or not, more than I will, because I grew up not really hearing too much about it or if I did, it was very vague.
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Like charismatics are super crazy, weird.
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Stay away from them was about as much as I got from my upbringing and just what I saw just seemed unnatural, uncomfortable with speaking in tongues and all that stuff that some of them, some of the teachers at my Christian high school did that too.
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I just was always put off by it because I didn't.
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One, I didn't know enough about it and two, it just was weird to me.
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I had been to churches where they did things like that, other things like that other things.
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I have a grandpa who believes that if you don't speak in tongues then you're not a true Christian, which I've never believed that.
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I don't know where it says that in the Bible.
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But why don't you share with us your opinion and your evidence, I guess, to back up your position?
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Yeah, sure.
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So when I grew up I didn't know anything about the charismatic movement.
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I hadn't ever been exposed to that before.
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It was probably when I became an adult, I suppose, that I learned about it and seen some videos of some pretty crazy stuff with the tongues and all that I learned eventually from a sermon from my pastor about the sign gifts and how that they expired.
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They were only used during the first century and then they were not extant anymore in the church.
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Just to give you a brief biblical defense of that position, because I don't think a lot of Christians they may know intuitively that there's something wrong with it.
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It just doesn't seem right.
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But I don't think a lot of times they could give you Bible verses to prove why we don't have those gifts today, because it would seem like cherry picking.
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It'd be like well, there's a lot of other stuff in the New Testament and you say that that's around today, but why aren't the sign gifts, why aren't the tongues and prophecy and things like that around?
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It actually goes back.
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It was prophesied back in the book of Malachi, in Malachi 7.15,.
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It's a prophecy of the Messiah.
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It says there that according to the days of thy coming out of the land of Egypt, will I show unto him marvelous things.
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If you look in the context there in the last half of that chapter, it's definitely a Messianic prophecy.
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It's talking about Jesus coming and casting our sins into the depths of the sea and so on.
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So this is a prophecy of Jesus coming.
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It says, according to the days of thy coming out of the land of Egypt, talking about the nation of Israel, will I show unto him that is the Messiah marvelous things, and when you do some comparative scripture you see that marvelous things are signs and wonders, the miraculous things.
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So there's a prophecy that in the days of the Messiah there would be miraculous.
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Israel spent 40 years coming out of Egypt.
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They left Egypt.
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They spent 40 years in the wilderness before they got to the promised land.
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During that 40 years it was characterized by signs and wonders.
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And Moses began to do miracles when he went to Pharaoh to tell him to let his people go.
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He cast a rod on the ground and it became a serpent, turned the river into blood, and all those miracles that he did.
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And then the parting of the Red Sea, of course.
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And then during that whole 40 years the clothes didn't wear out.
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He spoke to the rock.
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Water came out of the rock.
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The Lord gave them manna from heaven, gave them quails.
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He did all these miraculous things for them.
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After 40 years they went into the promised land.
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Then the miracles ceased.
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There weren't miracles after that point, not regularly anyway.
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There were some times where, like with Elijah or Elisha, some specific times, some special times where there would be some miracles, but in general the miracles ended after that 40-year period.
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So here's this prophecy telling us that when the Messiah comes, there's going to be something according to that, which means corresponding or matching to that, something similar to that.
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So when Jesus comes, the first miracle he does at the very this says this beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana.
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So this began the clock of the beginning of miracles.
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So this first miracle was the beginning of a series of miracles that would last for 40 years, just like it was when Israel came out of Egypt.
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You think about it.
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But Moses was a type, like a figure of Jesus.
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He brought the people out of bondage.
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He brought them to the promised land.
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Jesus brought us out of bondage to the promised land, right To the heavenly.
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Like a figurative vessel kind of thing.
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Yes, and so, in the same way that Moses showed signs and wonders in his ministry, Jesus showed signs and wonders in his.
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So if you do a little bit of math, 40 years from the beginning of Jesus' ministry to 40 years later is about 70 AD approximately, depending on there's a bit of discrepancy of when Jesus was born, Was it 4 BC or 2 BC or something like that.
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But anyway, roughly about 70 AD, 66 AD, somewhere in there the miracles would have ended.
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People that would be familiar with biblical history.
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That number should ring a bell, because 70 AD is when the Romans came and destroyed Jerusalem and all the Jews were either killed or taken captive into all nations.
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So the Jewish nations ceased at 70 AD.
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There was two purposes given for the sign gifts.
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There are two purposes given for them in the scripture.
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The first one was to convince the unbelieving Jews.
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1 Corinthians 1.22, I think it is, says the Jews that they sought a sign.
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When God would send them a prophet, he would also send signs along with that prophet to prove that the prophet was from God.
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So they were accustomed to this.
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Jesus said to another man in John chapter 4, except you see signs and wonders, you will not believe.
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So the Jews needed a sign for them to know that Jesus was the Messiah.
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And they knew that the Messiah would do signs and wonders.
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It would say that he would heal the sick and give sight to the blind and unstop the ears of the deaf.
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So there's all these prophecies that he would do these wonders.
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So that validated that Jesus was the Messiah.
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Furthermore, his apostles it validated that they were the apostles of Christ to the Jews.
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So the Jews could see these signs that they were the apostles of Christ to the Jews.
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So the Jews could see these signs that they did.
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The second purpose for the signs was to confirm the word of God spoken, because at that time, when Jesus began his ministry, and then for the next 40 years, as the apostles were preaching the gospel and writing epistles, writing letters to the churches, the New Testament was in the process of being written.
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Those letters to the churches ended up being our New Testament, but at the time they didn't have the New Testament right, there was none.
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So to confirm the word given by the apostles and prophets, the signs again were given.
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It says that in Hebrews, chapter 2, that the Lord confirmed the word with signs and wonders and Jesus told them in the Great Commission to go and preach the gospel in all the world and he said that these signs would follow them.
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So there'd be signs and wonders with the preaching of the gospel of the apostles.
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So by 70 AD there is no Jewish nation anymore.
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There are no Jews in Jerusalem to be convinced by signs and wonders.
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By 70 AD at least all but one book of the Bible was definitely written.
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There's some speculation as to when Revelation was written.
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It appears that it was written in the 90s.
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Some people believe it was written before 70 AD, but regardless, the vast majority of the New Testament was written by 70 AD, but regardless, the vast majority of the New Testament was written by 70 AD.
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So when that time comes, there's no Jews to convince and the word of God has already been given.
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So the purpose for the sign gifts then ended.
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They weren't given for, they would just go on forever, for just for us to show off and have fun with or something.
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There was a defined purpose for them.
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So this matches up with that prophecy in Micah 7.15.
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It also matches up with what the New Testament says in 1 Corinthians 13, in the great chapter on charity.
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It says there that whether there be tongues, they shall cease.
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Whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.
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Whether there be prophecies, they shall fail until that which is perfect has come.
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And it says and when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
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So when the apostles and the prophets were giving the New Testament, they were giving it piecemeal, part by part.
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When Paul wrote a letter to the Ephesians, that's part of the New Testament revelation.
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When he wrote a letter to the Ephesians, that's part of the New Testament revelation.
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When he wrote to the Colossians, that's part.
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The Thessalonians, that's part.
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When he writes to Timothy and to Titus, that's part of it.
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Philemon, that's part of it.
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John writes his epistles, peter writes his epistles, john writes the revelation.
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When they wrote all these parts and they prophesied to the people before it was all written down, that was all part of the revelation and they were each given their part.
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So that's why he says we know in part, we prophesy in part, when that which is perfect has come, and perfect means complete.
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So when the New Testament revelation was complete, all the books are written, all the God has said everything that he wants to say, and that's all been spoken and then written down, then there's no reason for the parts anymore.
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The parts were revelation, prophecy, tongues and the like.
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So in that passage Paul was telling us at that time, before the gifts had gone away, he was telling us that there was a time coming when they would go away, they would fail, they would cease.
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Fail meaning not that they would not have their effect, but fail means to end in that context.
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So that is, in a nutshell, why we don't have the signs and wonders today, along with the prophecy in tongues, would be healing as well, casting out devils probably.
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I'm thinking of even taking up drinking deadly things and not being harmed, or taking up serpents and not being harmed, like Jesus talked about there at the end of Mark.
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So all of those miraculous things were all grouped together.
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Along with that would be the gift of special wisdom, special knowledge where the apostles could know things that you could only know supernaturally.
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Paul could look at a man and know he's a child of the devil absolutely with certainty.
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He didn't have to examine a man's fruit like we did.
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He could know things like that.
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So when that period of signs and wonders ended, all that stuff ended because there was no purpose for it anymore.
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So, in a nutshell, that's what I believe the scripture teaches concerning the spiritual gifts, the miraculous spiritual gifts.
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There are ordinary spiritual gifts that we still have today, of course, like exhortation and teaching and giving and things like that, but the miraculous spiritual gifts ended by the end of the first century.
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Well, thank you for the details.
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I think it's very important because a lot of people probably don't know that.
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I know I didn't know any of that and I can guarantee none of my churches I went to ever went that in depth explaining any of that.
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Like you said, I didn't know anything about it until I was well into my adult years.
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I was searching out information on my own, so I watch podcasts now and listen to stuff where they're telling me these things, but it's very nice to have a pastor who's talking about it.
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I did watch your YouTube video that you had sent me about it and it's a snippet of what you just shared with us too.
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I'll put it in the show notes.
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That way, if anyone wants to share it with a friend or family member, they can share that.
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I know with everything that you just said, you did upset some people who are listening who believe they have these gifts.
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So let's be clear If we're not on the same page about this, you let me know.
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But I believe neither of us are saying that God can't use people, if he really wants to, to bring about any of these things.
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But the thing is is that we don't have those gifts.
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God has the gifts, just like what he used to do back with the Old Testament prophets.
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If he needed them to do something, he helped them.
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He empowered them to do it.
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His Holy Spirit was the one doing the power.
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It wasn't them having the gifts themselves.
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I think that's where a lot of people go wrong now is they think they have the gifts of speaking in tongues, of healing, of delivering people from demons, but that's not the case.
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It doesn't mean that God can't do those things if he absolutely wanted to and needed to.
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But you and I are both saying that those gifts are gone.
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They aren't necessary.
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We don't need them.
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The final revelation is here.
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We don't need any more revelation.
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So for people to say that we still have that or we still have to do that in order to be true believers is wrong.
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Would you agree with that?
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Yes, yeah, definitely To your first point.
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Of course God can still do miracles.
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The Bible says that God, who alone, doeth wonders.
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So God can and still does do miracles today, but men do not have those gifts.
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Where men can do miracles at will, like they could at one time, it was still by the power of God, but men don't have those gifts, don't have those gifts.
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With regard to the idea that speaking in tongues is necessary for a person to be a child of God or a Christian, or something that was never true, even when there were gifts, because Paul says in 1 Corinthians 12, he asked a rhetorical question do all speak with tongues?
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I mean clearly the answer is no.
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Do all prophesy?
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Are all apostles?
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He asked these series of questions.
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The answer to all the answer is no.
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Do all prophesy?
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Are all apostles?
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He asked these series of questions, the answer to all of which is no.
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Not everybody was an apostle.
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Not everybody spoke with tongues.
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Not everybody prophesied.
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It says that the Spirit gave to every man severally, as he will.
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So the Spirit gave some men those gifts, but not all people had them at any point in time, and certainly not today.
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The other thing that I would ask people and I have when I've talked with charismatics is they would probably agree I think most of them would that whatever we do ought to be according to the scripture?
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If it's not according to the scripture, then it's not biblical.
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If it's not biblical, then it's not in keeping with what Christ and the apostles taught.
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If it's not that, then it's not Christian.
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So it has to be according to the scripture.
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In Isaiah, chapter 8, I think it is, it says to the law and to the testimony if they speak not according to this word, it's because there's no light in them, right?
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So the scripture is emphatic about that.
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And Paul said in 1 Corinthians 14, that if any man think himself to be spiritual, let him acknowledge the things that I say are the teachings of the Lord, something to that effect anyway.
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So if we're going to be doing something, we better make sure that it's according to the scripture.
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1 Corinthians 14,.
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The whole chapter is about tongues and prophesying.
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Now, this would have been instruction that was pertinent in those days when the church in Corinth had those gifts.
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But if you look through 1 Corinthians 14, there's a whole bunch of instruction given there on how to exercise the gifts.
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For one thing, you could only have two or at most three people speaking in tongues or prophesying in a church service.
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It says let them prophesy by course, which means one by one, like in successive order With tongues.
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It says let one speak and another interpret.
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And he says if there is no interpreter, then let him keep silence.
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So there's not to be any speaking in tongues if there's not an interpreter.
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It's only supposed to be two or three at most, and one at a time, right?
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So in most of these charismatic services that I've never been to one, but the ones that I've seen videos of it's anything but that.
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It's everybody speaking at the same time.
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It's chaos, it's confusion, which in the very book of 1 Corinthians 14, that chapter it says God is not the author of confusion.
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So it's confusion.
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You get a bunch of people speaking in tongues and no interpreter.
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They're all doing it at the same time.
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There's more than three yep, so they're not meeting any of the qualifications for it.
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I guess if I haven't offended anybody yet, then I may as well go ahead bring it in first corinthians 14.
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It also says but I suffer not a woman to speak in the church and this is in the context of the spiritual gifts of tongues and prophesying.
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So women, I know this.
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I mean people would hate me for saying this, but this is what the Bible says that women aren't supposed to speak in church, just period.
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They're not supposed to teach.
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It's not because God hates women, it's just because that's the way that God's set things up.
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But what happens in these charismatic churches it's not only men speaking in tongues, it's women speaking in tongues.
00:19:13.940 --> 00:19:19.125
So you have men and women which women aren't supposed to be speaking in tongues in the church service and there's more than three of them at a time and they're doing it all at the same time and there's no interpreter.
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So it is completely unscriptural on every basis, pretty much.
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So that alone should tell anybody looking at it that there's something wrong with this, because if the Holy Spirit is inspiring these people to do this, then we have a problem, because the Holy Spirit is inspiring people to do something that directly contradicts what he inspired the Apostle Paul to write down in 1 Corinthians 14.
00:19:42.636 --> 00:19:48.471
So that's another good argument to use that you might be able to get through to somebody with.
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I've used it.
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I mean you might get through or you might upset them.
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But, anyway.
00:19:53.732 --> 00:20:03.174
So, yeah, I tend to see that a lot of charismatics don't want to have an actual conversation about the subject.
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You either believe what they believe or you're of the devil and you don't really have Christ in you, which is not fair.
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I mean, how would it be if our side were to do that to them?
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I like to think that a lot of the people that I listen to, that I follow the podcast and everything you included we give a fair examination of the situation.
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We use biblical principles, we are kind and generous about it.
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For the most part, I would say a lot of the people who are doing it probably don't have malicious intent with what they're doing.
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They're just going by what they grew up with or what they learned.
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I mean, I was stuck in some stuff that I thought was biblical until I realized it wasn't.
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Some people just get into it, and for somebody to be that volatile, to say that they're of the devil if they don't agree with what we're saying, it just is really closed-minded and shuts down any possibility of having a civil argument, debate, whatever you want to call it.
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That should be a red flag to some people who might be in.
00:21:06.569 --> 00:21:06.650
00:21:06.650 --> 00:21:08.155
Is that debate, whatever you want to call it.
00:21:08.155 --> 00:21:11.667
That should be a red flag to some people who might be in it.
00:21:11.667 --> 00:21:12.250
Is that?