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Oct. 30, 2024

Healing Through Acts of Love and Compassion

Healing Through Acts of Love and Compassion

Have you ever faced relentless adversity and emerged more robust on the other side? In this podcast episode titled "Healing Through Acts of Love and Compassion," we are introduced to Sue Corl, a woman whose life story is extraordinary. Sue, the host of His Heartbeat Podcast and founder of Crown of Beauty International, shares her journey of enduring 26 surgeries for a severe cleft palate by age 15, all while facing incessant bullying. This episode delves deep into how faith and the gospel a field hockey teammate introduced transformed her life and her family's, demonstrating the incredible power of faith and God’s love.

Sue's journey is a profound exploration of personal faith and the transformative power of God's love. Her story begins with a childhood marred by relentless surgeries and the scorn of her peers due to her severe cleft palate. Despite these challenges, Sue's life took a pivotal turn when a field hockey teammate introduced her to the gospel. This introduction led her to faith in Christ. It inspired her family members to embrace Christianity, highlighting the ripple effect one person's faith can have on their community, especially in challenging environments like high school.

Throughout the conversation, Sue uses a poignant analogy to explain sin and the importance of building a relationship with God, likening it to a child ignoring their parent. This analogy underscores the significance of acknowledging our sinful nature and the transformative power of forgiveness and accepting Christ. Sue's story is a powerful reminder of God's sovereignty and the transformative power of His love. It encourages listeners to view their struggles through a new lens and be empowered to share the gospel within their communities.

In addition to sharing her faith journey, Sue emphasizes the importance of demonstrating Christ's love through actions rather than judgment. Drawing from her extensive mission work worldwide, including her humanitarian efforts in Bangladesh, Sue illustrates how simple acts of kindness can lead to economic empowerment and spiritual transformation. She shares a touching story of a Hindu widow in Bangladesh who converted to Christianity after receiving a goat, which helped her improve her living conditions and support her family. This story highlights the profound impact of practical help and everyday acts of kindness in ministering to people and sharing the gospel.

Sue's new book, "Shaking Off the Shackles," further explores her personal story and its parallels with Nehemiah's biblical journey, offering readers hope and renewal. This book, along with her other works like the "Crown of Beauty" Bible study, which has been translated into nine languages, continues to spread the message of Christ worldwide, empowering women to find their worth in Christ and overcome the lies they have believed about themselves and God.

The episode also discusses the challenges and misconceptions surrounding sharing the gospel, particularly the unrealistic expectation that people will immediately accept Jesus. Sue highlights the need for patience, respect, and cultural awareness when interacting with others, including neighbors from diverse backgrounds. She emphasizes that being caring, open, and a good listener can significantly alter perceptions of Christianity and pave the way for meaningful conversations about faith.


One of the key takeaways from this episode is the idea that small acts of kindness can have a significant impact. Whether shoveling snow for elderly neighbors or offering assistance to those in need, these simple actions can change people's perceptions of Christianity and demonstrate the love of Christ in practical ways. Sue's extensive mission work across the globe is a testament to the power of love and compassion in transforming lives and communities.

As the conversation wraps up, Sue invites listeners to join her monthly newsletter to stay updated on her inspirational travels and stories from places like Nepal and Bangladesh. She also looks forward to sharing more insightful stories, especially around Christmas time, offering continued encouragement and hope to her audience.

This podcast episode powerfully reminds us of the transformative power of faith and the importance of demonstrating Christ's love through actions. Sue Correll's journey from bullying and surgeries to spiritual transformation and global mission work is an inspiring testament to the power of God's love and the impact of one person's faith on their community. Whether you're facing your struggles or seeking ways to share the gospel with others, this episode offers valuable insights and encouragement to help you rise above adversity and find spiritual strength.


This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking inspiration and encouragement in their faith journey. Sue Corl's story is a testament to the incredible power of faith and the ripple effect of one person's boldness in sharing the message of Christ. Through her personal experiences and extensive mission work, Sue demonstrates how simple acts of love and compassion can lead to profound spiritual transformation and economic empowerment. Join us for an episode that will leave you encouraged and equipped to make a difference in your community.

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Oct. 30, 2024

Healing Through Acts of Love and Compassion

Have you ever faced relentless adversity and emerged stronger on the other side? Today, we have the pleasure of sharing an extraordinary story with you—one that will inspire and challenge you to view your struggles through a ...
Guest: Sue Corl