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Jan. 29, 2025

Do the Sign Gifts Still Exist?

Do the Sign Gifts Still Exist?

In the latest episode of our podcast, we delve into the captivating and often misunderstood realm of spiritual gifts. With Pastor Chad Wagner from Excelsior Springs Church, Missouri, as our guide, we explore whether the miraculous gifts mentioned in the Bible, such as speaking in tongues and prophecy, were intended to persist beyond the early church era. Chad's theological insights, rooted in biblical history, offer a fresh perspective on this topic that continues to spark debate among believers today.

Our conversation begins with an exploration of the historical context of spiritual gifts. Chad Wagner argues that these gifts served a temporary purpose during Jesus and the early church. By drawing parallels with the miracle-laden periods of Moses and Jesus, Chad suggests that the miraculous gifts were prophesied to be temporary, intended to convince ancient skeptics of the Messiah's identity and validate the nascent New Testament. This perspective challenges common charismatic beliefs and encourages listeners to consider the biblical evidence surrounding spiritual gifts.


As we navigate through the episode, the discussion shifts towards understanding the cessation of these miraculous gifts. Chad explains that the purpose of these gifts was twofold: to convince unbelieving Jews of Jesus as the Messiah and to confirm the word of God during the formation of the New Testament. By 70 AD, with the Jewish nation dispersed and the New Testament primarily completed, the need for such signs diminished, leading to the cessation of these gifts. Instead, Chad highlights the enduring gifts, such as teaching and giving, which continue to play a vital role in communities of faith today.

One of the most engaging segments of the episode focuses on the challenges of engaging with charismatic beliefs fueled by emotional experiences. Chad shares strategies for navigating these conversations, emphasizing the importance of scriptural alignment and the dangers of adding to divine revelation. The conversation underscores the closed-mindedness that can arise when questioning is discouraged and reflects on how creativity and emotional engagement can sometimes overshadow core faith messages.

The episode also provides valuable insights into the biblical standards for evaluating prophets and prophecies. Chad Wagner discusses the criteria outlined in Deuteronomy 18, stressing that a true prophet must align with the word of God and that their prophecies must always come true. The importance of recognizing false prophets is underscored by the fact that even one failed prophecy is enough to disqualify someone as a true prophet. This discussion is particularly relevant in an age where spiritual claims abound, and biblical literacy among believers is often lacking.


In conclusion, this episode offers a comprehensive examination of spiritual gifts, challenging listeners to reflect on their beliefs and consider the biblical evidence presented. Chad Wagner's insights clarify a topic often clouded by misunderstanding, encouraging a thoughtful and informed approach to faith. Whether you're new to the concept of spiritual gifts or have long-held charismatic beliefs, this episode promises to equip you with the knowledge and tools to discern truth from deception in your spiritual journey.

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Jan. 29, 2025

Do the Sign Gifts Still Exist?

Unlock the mysteries of spiritual gifts with Chad Wagner, pastor of Excelsior Springs Church in Missouri. What if the miraculous gifts described in the Bible were never meant to last beyond the early church? Join me as Chad s...
Guest: Chad Wagner